
谢谢每一位出席 2024国际论坛 关于全球学习和教育的主题. 我们很高兴地宣布这一点 2025年国际论坛将亲自召开. We are making plans to meet in London in Spring 2025 for a weekend of dynamic programs, discussions, 并与来自世界各地的校友建立联系. 请继续关注更多信息和学习 about the 2024 Virtual International Forum, as well as past programming, below and on our Gallery Wall.



At Bryn Mawr, global learning extends through curricular, experiential, and community engagement. 由学院全球教育主任主持 Tracy Weber and by the Career & Civic Engagement Center's Senior Associate Director, Employer Relations and Internships Jennifer Prudencio, a panel of students highlighted the value of a liberal arts education when applied in the global setting, 包括在国外的学期和暑假, 国际实习, research opportunities, and more.


Session 2: “Culture, Systems, and Change: International Perspectives on Education”


关于全球学习和教育主题的虚拟小组讨论, 以推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜为特色 Alice Lesnick, Chair and Term Professor in the Bryn Mawr/Haverford Education Department and Associate Dean for Global Engagement, 以及杰出的校友/小组成员 Pilar Cabeza de Vaca, 1975年,国际教育领导者和变革推动者,以及 Ntshadi Mofokeng 2012他是一名文化工作者,也是纽约大学艺术政治学硕士研究生. President Kim Cassidy 致开幕词.

Alice, Pilar和Ntshadi的照片

Panelist Bios

爱丽丝·莱斯尼克是教育学教授和主席, Bryn Mawr/Haverford Education Department; Associate Dean for Global Engagement; and Co-Director of Lagim Tehi Tuma (LTT), 这是一个位于大伦的本科生暑期项目和实习中心, 加纳和费城都会区. 作为全球参与副院长(她于2016年就职), Alice has guided a network of committees concerned with the institution’s global engagement, 包括助学金和/或资助学生的项目, faculty, and staff. She collaborated to create and steward institutional partnerships and to build College’s travel preparedness infrastructure, 包括旅游注册处及旅游安全理事会. As a faculty member, Alice has taught a wide range of courses and since 2006 has served as Chair of the Education Department. Her current research, 即将由杠杆出版社出版的一本书, amplifies the wisdom of care work using an innovative research methodology of deep listening and co-writing. Peer-reviewed articles written with collaborators on dimensions of her pedagogical approach are forthcoming in the Journal of Interactive Pedagogy and Technology and the International Journal of Students as Partners. A 2021 recipient of the McPherson Award for Excellence in Teaching and Service to the Community, Alice co-founded and convenes the Workplace Advisors Program for conflict resolution at the College and serves as founding member of CARLA – the coalition for anti-racist literacy at Bryn Mawr. Alice holds a B.A. in English from Yale College; an M.A. 从圣. John’s College, Santa Fe; and a Ph.D. in Reading/Writing/Literacy with a Graduate Certificate in Women’s Studies from the University of Pennsylvania.

四十多年的职业生涯横跨三大洲, Pilar Cabeza de Vaca, 1975年是一个变革推动者, teacher, 国际教育的团队建设者和领导者. 她是教育家合作组织的合伙人, an international search, 转型与战略公司. Previously, 作为马德拉学院的院长, 一所9-12岁的女子寄宿/走读学校, 皮拉尔重组了学术项目, 加强实习计划,促进跨学科学习. Pilar’s career in administration took off when she was appointed Director General of the largest private school in Ecuador, 基多美国学校, also her alma mater. 她的事业把她带到了巴黎, 作为巴黎美国学校的校长, 成为第一位在欧洲巡回赛服役的西班牙裔女性. Pilar also served as the Executive Director of the European Council of International Schools, a membership organization providing professional development for schools spanning Europe, the Middle East, Asia, and Latin America.

皮拉尔曾在拉丁美洲领导认证团队, Europe, and US, 学校从62到5,000 students.  She was elected worldwide to serve on the International Baccalaureate Council of Heads, 她还主持了欧洲和拉丁美洲的区域委员会. Pilar earned her M.A. 在阿拉巴马大学的教学领导, 除了在布林莫尔大学获得法国文学学位之外. Fluent in English, Spanish, and French, 以及俄语的阅读知识, 皮拉尔对多样性有着独特的见解和看法, as well as a deep appreciation of the importance of inclusion in today’s society.

As a cultural worker, Ntshadi Mofokeng weaves together her movement organizing ethos and arts practices. She works as a producer, writer and curator contributing to the proliferation of narratives about and experiences of contemporary dance from Africa. 毕业于推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜,获得政治学学士学位, she earned her organizing stripes in a social movement fighting for equality in the South African education system before recently shifting into the performing arts. 她目前正在纽约大学攻读艺术政治硕士学位.

詹妮弗在职业和公民参与中心工作, partnering with hiring employers and programs focused on recruiting students for internships and entry level jobs. She also works closely with the Summer Internship Funding Program that supports students' internship experiences during the summer. Jennifer has over 15 years of experience in the field working with selective liberal arts institutions. She has previously worked at Princeton University and Columbia University in the City of New York. 詹妮弗获得了心理学学士学位 & 圣路易斯大学社会学教授. She holds a Master’s Degree in Higher and Post-Secondary Education from Teacher’s College, Columbia University. 阅读更多关于Jennifer的信息 here.

Tracy has more than 20 years of experience in the field of international education, 为大学开发和管理项目, government, 非营利组织. Tracy has served as the Director of Global Education at Bryn Mawr College since 2020, 她的职责包括监督学院的海外留学项目, 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜协议和伙伴关系, 合作制定全球校园教育战略.  Prior to Bryn Mawr, Tracy created study abroad and international internship programs for undergraduate and graduate students at the University of California Berkeley and The George Washington University. She has also led programming for international high school students and faculty scholars through organizations such as the Japanese Embassy, Fulbright, 姊妹城市交流. Tracy holds a B.A. 他是弗吉尼亚大学外交事务专业的硕士.A. in International Communication from American University's School of International Service. 她在瑞士留学, Japan, and Russia, and spent three years teaching and leading internationalization efforts for the Board of Education in Mie, Japan. Read more about Tracy here.


此次国际论坛,是我们汇聚活力的契机, 全球社区超过22个,000 alumnae/i and 6,000 parents to:

  • Engage in deep, multi-dimensional and substantive discussions around a timely topic
  • Exchange ideas and forge greater connections among each other and with the College
  • 激励自己继续为世界做出有意义的贡献

300多名校友/i, parents and friends of Bryn Mawr from 37 countries and a multitude of time zones registered for the live, 首届国际论坛将于2021年举行在线活动.

E.U. Residents

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Pennsylvania, 19010


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